Sarah McIntyre (jabberworks) wrote,
Sarah McIntyre

DFC new year's party!

I forgot to pull out my camera, so here's a rough amalgamation of the people I saw last night:

The party had a great turnout and it was really good to meet so many DFC colleagues, many of whom I'd met before but quite a few I hadn't, including Dave Shelton, Wilbur Dawburn (wilburonline), James Turner (eruditebaboon) (who turns out to live just down the street, hooray!), Ben Haggarty, Faz Choudhury and John Welding (You can read their bios here.) And most of the office staff (David, Izzie, Andrew, Laurence, Will, Tom and Pete) came down from Oxford, so it was a very jolly event. Afterwards, Stuart commented (possibly with some surprise?!), 'that was such a nice group of people', and I had to agree. Stuart is slowly getting sucked into the comics world but I don't think he minds too much.

Please don't forget to subscribe to the DFC so we can keep drinking beer.
Tags: dfc

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