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(My sister just told me that she gave my dad that sweater and now he almost never takes if off.)
The DFC has one more issue coming out this Friday before it packs in, at least for now. It's been amazing how everyone's pulled together since we heard the bad news. I know I've met so many amazing people through the project; the only one I'd ever met previously to doing the DFC was Simone Lia, when we managed to convince my art college tutor to invite her in to give a talk. It sounds like everyone really wants to stay in touch, and a few of us met up for drinks this weekend and had a good chin wag.

Laura Howell (The Mighty M), Laura's partner Tim, James Turner (Super Animal Adventure Squad)

Faz Choudhury (Dead Pets Society, colouring for Good Dog, Bad Dog), John Aggs (John Blake, Robot Girl), Gary Northfield (Little Cutie)