Stuart just got new glasses. They're much more stylish than the last pair, but they're also a bit more severe. I really like them, but it's taking me awhile to get used to the new look. I got used to his facial expressions in the other pair and now, every time I turn around to look at him, for the briefest instant, I think he looks really annoyed about something and it throws me. So I made a drawing of him after dinner last night to try to figure out this new face of his.
A dinner, I must add, of a very nice chicken pie that Stuart spent all afternoon putting together. So here it is, and you can see Stuart in his new specs.
No, actually, Stuart does not look very annoyed here, he looks very pleased, because he was really wanting chicken pie.
We were reading on the sofa after dinner and I did one of those machine-gun bursts of laughter, which is very annoying and made him jump. But it was also kind of funny because I was reading about just that and I didn't do it intentionally. It's in Small Island by Andrea Levy:
Suddenly this woman laughed. A laugh from nowhere. No smile or build-up titter. Just one minute solemn, the next a honking laugh, the noise of which could make a pig sit up and look for its mummy.
I love that. Oh! And my friend who built my website, Dan Fone, just sent me the link to this gorgeous illuminated Russian alphabet by Irina Vinnik (ivinni).