Sarah McIntyre (jabberworks) wrote,
Sarah McIntyre

life drawing session

A bunch of us were thinking our life-drawing skills were getting horribly rusty, so we met up at the home of Viviane Schwarz and Alexis Deacon to take turns drawing each other. We didn't really fancy stripping down for 'proper' life drawing and our work usually has us drawing people with clothes on anyway, so we got in some good practice, to the sweet and sometimes racous tweeting of many little birds. Here's Viv modeling for David O'Connell (tozocomic), Gary Northfield and me.

My first couple drawings were absolutely terrible, but I got better toward the end; here's one I did of Viviane that we both liked:

Viv made some super-yummy size-of-my-head chocolate cookies:

Here's one of me by Gary and another by Viv, with a marvellous schozz:

Edit: Hey, more moustachioed Garen pics! One by Sean Kleefeld and another by Rick Eades (eadesmust).

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