Sarah McIntyre (jabberworks) wrote,
Sarah McIntyre

joy & cupcakes in the post!

Here's one of my first drawings of the princess and aliens in You Can't Eat a Princess!. I was watching Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette film and drooling over all the cakes and dresses. My princess changed a lot but the aliens, not so much.

The best and worst thing about illustrating this picture book has been the overwhelming theme of yummy beautiful cakes. And I am always one to do my research. So this morning I was feeling the pangs of sugar withdrawal but knew I should meet this feeling head-on with some hardcore exercise. I had a little postal slip from a parcel I'd missed, so I went on a the healthy two-mile walk from my house to the post office to the studio. But what did I find at the post office... a big box full of AMAZING CUPCAKES! OH NO! But... OH YES! :D

I love you people at Scholastic so, so much. Message from my studio mates: they love you so, so much, too.

And the other thing I got from the post office was Dave Shelton's Good Dog, Bad Dog and goraina Raina Telgemeier's Smile. Too much goodness, how will I ever get any work done?

PS Gary is being mean to me.
Tags: cake, pspag

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