Zeena did a great job, giving us all little takeaway-style boxes filled with craft supplies for a few projects, printed sheets with project ideas (a heart or bird-shaped pin cushion, a tote bag, a felt brooch) and then had a supply of a lot more craft materials we could use. It was very free-form and we could make what we liked, so I doubled up by making that Stitch Yourself doll I'd promised Lauren I'd give her, for the Science Museum exhibition. And we had sandwiches and cakes and champagne, tea and coffee, not a bad afternoon! And a great idea of Zeena's to do these hen sessions, you can book her, too.

Below: I only just spotted it in the photos, but I think that might be a Simone Lia poster in the window.

Here's a pillowcase from the session, and a few of us in the evening at a Cuban restaurant, trying our best to look monumental under the rather imposing Sean Connery poster.