Just in case you want to see, here's how my work looks from the brief to the final artwork. First I do a pencil sketch, then I scan it, place it in the client's template in Photoshop to show the client how it fits, then do the final artwork, scan it and put it in the template. (I don't think my initial pencil sketches are all that lovely, but they do the job.) I drew this with a dip pen and india ink, then coloured it using Dr.Martin's inks. (They work pretty much like watercolour, but they're a bit more intense and quick-staining.)
Hey, did you see that Richard Bruton reviewed my Dear Diary mini comic on the Forbidden Planet International blog? Thanks so much, Richard! (Here are the original entries on my blog.) I'm actually sold out of it at the moment, but I'm going to do my best to print up some more in time for London's MCM Expo on 29 & 30 May. Do come along, all my lovely studio mates from the Fleece Station will be there, the DFC Library will have a big presence, along with loads of other people from the small press scene.
Have you been keeping an eye on the DFC team's Super Comics Adventure Squad website? You'll always get lots of new things popping up over there.