Sarah McIntyre (jabberworks) wrote,
Sarah McIntyre

stitch london goes to the prince's garden party!

Whoo hoo! Alex Milway just spotted our fab studio mate and Stitch London organiser Lauren O'Farrell on ITV news about Prince Charles' Garden Party! Lauren is the Queen of Knitting and he is only a prince, so no wonder Stitch London got an invite. Here they are with Brian Blessed, who calls their work 'miraculous', even if he's only referring to the repairs they made to his jacket liner that was shredded by his overzealous Jack Russell terrier. Here you can see Lauren and her mum busily at work making haute couture out of old clothing.

Not sure if you can watch this from abroad, but click on the pic to try, or click here.

Want to get involved? Stitch London (formerly Stitch and Bitch London) is a great way to meet people and come up with marvelous creations!
Edit: Lauren just popped into the studio to make some more badges, and said that Brian Blessed spent a good 20 minutes chatting with them at their table! He asked for one of Lauren's little knitted sheep, and said that when he used to work with Peter O'Toole, he used to pull out his knitting when they had a quiet moment. Our Lawrence of Arabia knits! Yesss.
Tags: deadlyknitshade

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