Sarah McIntyre (jabberworks) wrote,
Sarah McIntyre

super animal adventure squad & the broccoli mystery muffins

I have so much to blog about from yesterday that I hardly know where to start, but I'll begin at the end of the day, when I went to Tales on Moon Lane bookshop in south London for the launch of James Turner's brilliantly funny comic Super Animal Adventure Squad. It's the latest installment if the magnificent DFC Library (of which my Vern and Lettuce book is part!) and not to be missed. A perfect Christmas prezzie for kids, say, 7 years up to 99 years. Not just for kids, adult will love this book, too. (Book details here)

James spent much of yesterday baking! And he didn't do your standard iced cupcake, oh no, that is not James. He made his cake out of BROCCOLI. Yes, he did. And funnily enough, they were very tasty, with the added frisson of biting into unexpected clumps of hot pepper.

Here's our publisher, David Fickling, proclaiming the glories of Rex, Agent K, Bearbot, Irwin and Beesley.

Here are Phoenix comic publicist Ross Fraser, David's wife Caro Fickling, John Aggs and David admiring the quirky, fun artwork. (Just checking, have you subscribed to The Phoenix yet? The first issue's not far away! And John Aggs and his mother Patrice Aggs are hosting a party to launch their DFC Library book, The Boss on Thursday! Details here...)

If you get James to sign your comic but don't tell him which character, he will most likely draw Beesley, because he is the easiest to draw. In fact, there's even a How-to-draw-Beesley guide in the back of the book.

These two lovely ladies are Akansha and store manager George Hanratty.

Thanks so much to Tales on Moon Lane for hosting the party! It's an amazing bookshop, and here's a video from their website if you'd like a peek at it.

Tags: book launch, dfc_library, turner

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