I've been getting loads of e-mails from librarians asking if they could buy a poster version of the sign I made for the Mass Lobby of Parliament for School Libraries in October. (Thanks to New York and Chicago public libraries and others for the big boost! I lost track after about 8,000 Facebook shares. And thanks to those of you who piped up on their sites to say I'd drawn it!) I looked around at several websites, but they were charging quite a lot of money if you wanted to buy the posters, so I thought I'd just offer them as free downloadable PDF files, if anyone would like to make some copies off your own printer for your library. Please do spread the link to this post if you know anyone you think would like their own poster!
You can download an A4 version here and an A3 version here or US Letter size here.
Please do not use these for profit; if you're interested in selling them or putting them on other products, please get in touch with me. If you post it on the internet, please mention my name and link back here to this original blog post.
Instead of charging you, I'd just love to know where these are all going! If you could leave me any clues in the comments at the bottom of this blog post, I'd really appreciate it. Your name (just first, if you want), your school, and where it is, or anything else you'd like to say to cheer on your fellow librarians!
I also uploaded the design as t-shirts to Spreadshirt. I haven't actually seen a printed up shirt yet, so if you buy one, I'd be so pleased if you could send me a photo of you wearing it! And let me know what you think of it, if the printing's good, the fabric's okay, that sort of thing. You can buy them here.
And there's still an online black-and-white version of the poster if you want to print that to colour: Download an A3 version here, an A4 version here or US Letter size here.
You can buy more campaign-related posters over on Carel Press, and read ongoing updates about the campaign by super-librarian Barbara Band and others over on the Mass Lobby for School Libraries Facebook page. The group's still lobbying hard to give every school the right to have its own library with a trained librarian. Basic stuff, folks!
Librarians on the march; Candy Gourlay, Philip Ardagh & Chris Priestley in front of the Houses of Parliament; me getting fake arrested
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