Sarah McIntyre (jabberworks) wrote,
Sarah McIntyre

17 feb london drawing battle: monsters vs goblins!

Morris isn't scared of any ol' goblins. He EATS GOBLINS FOR BREAKFAST.

London! 17 Feb! Mark your diaries! Do you remember last year's amazing IMAGINE festival on London's South Bank? The one where about 500 people all drew portraits of pirate Captain Waffle? Well, the festival's back! And it looks amazing! And I'm excited to be taking part again, this time with my fab friend and co-author Philip Reeve. Hurrah! You can watch and help my monsters completely devastate his goblins in a drawing battle.

Here are links to several of the events we're doing:

Sunday, 17 Feb, 10.30am, repeated at 2.15pm, Clore Ballroom, Royal Festival Hall, FREE! Details here

MONSTERS VS GOBLINS! Join story legends Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre in a wild drawing battle between a gruesome goblin and a manky monster that you help them design!

Listen to Philip Reeve read about the hygienically-challenged critters inhabiting his latest adventure book, 'Goblins', and cringe at the disgusting habits of Sarah McIntyre's 'Morris the Mankiest Monster'.

Watch these wacky authors create a comic strip, inspired by your ideas, then create your own beastie - fearsome, foul, or just plain silly!

We'll be around to sign books afterward (you can either bring them or buy the books on-site from Foyles bookshop) and we'll be thrilled to bits if you can show us one of the monsters you've designed or queue up wearing a Goblin mask! (Download free Make-your-own-Monster sheets here or the Goblins mask here. Or come up with another design altogether!)

Philip's doing a more intensive family workshop on his own:

Sunday, 17 Feb, 12:30pm, Festival Village, Queen Elizabeth Hall, TICKETED FAMILY WORKSHOP (book here)

GOBLINS - Join acclaimed author Philip Reeve on a hilarious journey with his fantastic novel, 'Goblins', which was shortlisted for the Roald Dahl Funny Prize 2012. In this laugh-out-loud, action-packed event, you will also get an exclusive peak at the sequel, 'Goblins vs Dwarves'!

And there will be LOADS more happening on the South Bank at IMAGINE from 11- 24 Feb. Check out the full listing here on the Southbank Centre website!

Oh, speaking of goblins, Philip blogged last night about going to see The Hobbit film. It made me laugh, it's well worth reading:

Tags: festivals, reeve

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