Sarah McIntyre (jabberworks) wrote,
Sarah McIntyre

night-time twitter goat story

I love how social media makes little stories at night, but by morning, they've slipped unnoticeably the Twitter stream. Anyway, it's a good excuse to post a quick drawing:

And here's how it came about: lovely Alex T Smith, making cookies and drawing a goat.

Goat sketch by Alex T Smith You can follow him on Twitter as @Alex_T_Smith.

Other news, just saw in The Bookseller that Raina Telgemeier has signed to do another graphic novel with Scholastic Inc, called Sisters. Cool! Now if only we could convince Scholastic UK to publish graphic novels... *smiles wistfully*

One more thing, it's school half-term and London's Imagine Festival is still going full-steam ahead. Don't miss David O'Connell's sure-to-be-fab comics workshop this Friday! Ages 7-11, details on his website. (He's @DavidOConnell on Twitter, keep an eye out for future workshops.)

And just in case you missed it on the Fleece Station blog, here's a goat video that had us in absolute stitches:

Tags: alex_t_smith, dave_is_fab_club

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