Sarah McIntyre (jabberworks) wrote,
Sarah McIntyre

mr fartbubble and old boots

Hey, do you remember this comic strip I drew (based on a comic strip made by some kids at Paddington Children's Library)?

Well, Philip Reeve and I showed it when we doing our Comics Jam event at Animated Exeter festival, and 12-year-old Jordan Vigay was so inspired by it that he wrote to me asking if he could animate it after I saw him again last weekend at The Oxford Children's Comics Festival. And here's the result! I'm super chuffed. :)

You can see more of Jordan's animations on his YouTube channel here. Speaking of The Oxford Children's Comics Festival, you can see some ITV footage from it here!

And more adult-kid collaboration: These past few days, my parents, Stuart and I have been staying on Dartmoor with my Oliver and the Seawigs co-author Philip Reeve and his family. Philip teaches drawing lessons to some friends' kids in exchange for sending over his son for computer and woodworking classes. So I got to join the drawing lesson and sit around the kitchen table with them, where we all draw a pair of old boots. (Old shoes make great subjects for drawing.) Here you can see all our drawings together:

I started out doing a pencil drawing (the top right paper) and I scrubbed about just trying to get a sense of how the shoes worked. But the pencil drawing looked a bit insipid, so I held it up to the window and traced a second version, finishing it in pen. I didn't get time to complete it, but I think it still looks reasonably good:

And here's Dad's drawing! I can't even think of the last time I saw my dad draw, and his picture's pretty impressive:

The shoe drawing was quite hard-core concentration stuff, so for the end of the lesson, Philip had us look at Gary Northfield's new comic book, TEENYTINYSAURS and have fun drawing little dinosaurs out of it. Aren't those dinos cute?

Tags: reeve

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