Sarah McIntyre (jabberworks) wrote,
Sarah McIntyre

cheetah in chaps, croc in socks

Last night I was too tired even to read, or even think of any drawing subject matter, so I asked Twitter what I should draw: an animal and an item of clothing. And Twitter was very helpful; thanks, lovely people! Here's the first drawing. (I don't normally draw guns, but hey ho.)

And the second drawing:

And now I have lots of saved ideas for another time. Feel free to use any of them if you want some inspiration!

Want to read some good comics reviews? Zainab Akhtar is one of the best reviewers out there and her reviews regularly feature on the Forbidden Planet International blog. A lot of children's book reviewers could learn from how she discusses images, she's very visually literate and analyses page layout as much as text. Click over to her Cola & Comics blog for reviews of four new comics. You can follow Zainab on Twitter at @comicsandcola.

You ask, where do I get indie comics like these? Come along to Saturday's Comiket festival, there will be loads of amazing books and comics you may or may not be able to find in bookshops, and you'll be buying directly from the creators. (Be sure to bring small change.)

One more thing, I'm offering to draw a family portrait for anyone willing to make Seawigs with your kids, take a photo, and blog it. Find out the details on the Tots 100 website and keep track of other entries at the #Tots100Seawigs hashtag.


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