Sarah McIntyre (jabberworks) wrote,
Sarah McIntyre

world book day 2019 school visits

What does World Book Day mean? It means EARLY MORNING STARTS!

It's been a real whirlwind here, but I just wanted to quickly blog three school visits so I don't forget them. Actually, the first one, on the day before World Book Day, was nicely sedate; I didn't start until after lunch! I have a couple lovely sessions with the children at Dunraven Primary School in Streatham, south London, talking about Dinosaur Firefighters and The New Neighbours. I only managed to grab a snapshot with librarian Jonathan Peters and the nice guy who helped us set up the tech.

The next day was FULL ON! I spent the first day with Adriana Pray Haines from Pea Green Boat Books, and on the second day, her partner Richard picked me up and drove me to Walthamstow in North London, to Forest School. I was first video-interviewed by these two children (Mary Poppins and Saucepan Man) about being a writer-illustrator, then did a couple Dinosaur Firefighter sessions. We had one brief lull where Richard was able to play on the venue's white grand piano, and we got to meet Suneetha Goring (also Mary Poppins) and her team of librarians. (The school has THREE librarians - wow!)

The last school I visited was Haberdashers' Aske's Hatcham College Temple Grove Free School (always one for the short, snappy name) and I didn't manage to get a single photo - argh! But we had fun with The New Neighbours and The Legend of Kevin, and I think the teacher who was helping us was very glad to take off his Fantastic Mr Fox mask which was giving him a rash. Thanks to all the schools for inviting me, and to Adriana and Richard for organising!
Tags: world_book_day

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