I made some swaps with lovely people such as Sean Azzopardi and Cliodna and at last met David O'Connell, who's done things like the Comics Jam with me, but whom I'd never actually met. (In real life, he actually looks a little bit like his main character, Tozo.) I was admiring some of Marc Ellerby's stuff, and then twigged that he was another person who'd done the Hourly Comic Day project. A beautifully drawn book called Octopus Pie by New Yorker Meredith Gran was a happy discovery for me, and I bought a little monster painting by Jess Bradley.
Oh yeah, and I stopped by Gandhi Cash & Carry on my way home and stocked up on spices, since my cupboard has been sorely depleted since the East London Line shut down. TWO MORE YEARS of closure, I'm beside myself with indignation.