Sarah McIntyre (jabberworks) wrote,
Sarah McIntyre

painted placemats - Lederhosen Panda & Uncle Runkel Elephunkel

I had a goal of painting eight of these placemats and I've reached it! But I have twelve placemats I could strip, so I might keep going - I really like making these. (You can read my earlier blog about how to make them.)

Here's Lederhosen Panda (which my StudioTeaBreak co-host Alison Diamond said would make a great name for a band):

This one's inspired by the launch of two panda books - one of which has my quote on the front cover! - by Sarah Horne and Swapna Haddow & Sheena Dempsey.)

Here's Uncle Runkel Elephunkel, who looks very much like my godfather, space engineer Henry Runkel.

And here are all eight together!

Here's what a first sketch will look like:

Lederhosen Panda after one coat of paint:

After I've added another coat or two. (The yellow and orange need several, the first coat is very streaky. Which looks kind of cool, too, but it's a different effect than the one I'm going for with these.) Panda looks very eerie until I've drawn in his eyeballs.

Tags: craft_project

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