Sarah McIntyre (jabberworks) wrote,
Sarah McIntyre

Kevin interviews: The Bridge Bookshop, Isle of Man

Kevin felt as a Trifle Confused as he flew off on the next leg of his epic bookshop tour. According to the large red dot on his map, the Bridge Bookshop was in the middle of the Irish Sea! He guessed it must be one of those floating bookshops, or maybe the 'bridge' in its name referred to the bridge of a large container ship? That was probably it...


But no: it turned out that the large red dot was hiding a large green island called the Isle of Man. But Kevin was still a Trifle Confused because the island had not one but TWO Bridge Bookshops, one in Port Erin and one in Ramsey. Luckily the Port Erin branch had a mermaid taking a bath in one of the planters outside, so Kevin decided to visit that one.

“Good choice!” said the mermaid. “All the mermaids come here for books and baths, and bath-books.”

Kevin went inside, where he met bookseller Angela Pickard.

: What is the best thing about being a bookseller?

Angela: Talking about books to all our lovely customers and hearing a happy review when a recommended book is loved.

Kevin: What’s one way you’ve tackled a problem that your bookshop has faced during the pandemic?

Angela: We have been offering free delivery to Isle of Man addresses (over £20).

Kevin: What are three books you absolutely love hand-selling to customers?

Angela: Cakes in Space by Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre, Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve…

Kevin: Who? I’ve never heard of them.

Angela: …and errm, Brian Bilston's Diary of a Somebody.

Kevin: Who is your favourite children’s book illustrator? (Other than Reeve & McIntyre…)

Angela: Emily Sutton

Kevin: What is your favourite biscuit?

Angela: Chocolate Digestives

Kevin: Mmmmmmm, chocolate digestives.... What is the best way for people to buy books from you if they can’t visit the shop in person?

Angela: Visit our website,

You can follow the Bridge Bookshop on Twitter - @BookshopIOM - Instagram - bridgebookshop_isleofman - and Facebook - BridgeBookshop. Click here to visit the Bridge Bookshop's designated Reeve & McIntyre tour page!

Tags: #reeveandmcintyrebigupbookshops, bookshops, roly_poly_flying_pony

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